Check back soon for more information on training dates and location.


  1. The most efficient way to train is to climb as many stairs as possible before the event. Begin by doing 10 minutes of low-pace, uninterrupted stairs 2-3 times per week.
  2. Train as you would for a 5K or 3.1 mile race.
  3. A common mistake is to climb too rapidly at the beginning of the race, causing shortness of breath or light headedness. Consciously slow yourself down while ascending the first 10 floors, then ease yourself into a pace that works for you.
  4. To improve your cardiovascular fitness, mix in different speeds and effort levels. For example, complete two minutes of easy climbing followed by one minute of maximum effort. As you increase your fitness, you can increase your maximum effort time to 2-3 minutes and keep your recovery pace to two minutes.
  5. To increase muscle support, try using every step when you're on even floors, then skip every other step on odd floors.
  6. Take advantage of SoCal's climate by organizing an outdoor training! Santa Monica, Culver City, and Runyon Canyon have some excellent stairs for training.
  7. Flexibility is important to help prevent injuries and recover tight muscles after training. It's important to stretch for at least five minutes after your workouts.
  8. You do not need to carbo-load for the Stair Climb and you should avoid large meals before training as well. However, 200 calories of bread, bananas, or similarly bland foods before the race could give you just the boost you need.
  9. Be sure to stay hydrated by drinking about 16oz of water before training or coming to the event.